Articular Injection Therapy, Debrecen (Locomotor rehabilitation) 3 clinics' services (70 Physiotherapist, rehabilitation doctor)
Description, questions
The intra-articular steroid injections can be given, which will halt the inflammatory processes, the ability to quickly fail pain. Their use is recommended only occasionally because it is expected side effects of the injected substance kell.A natural joint fluid can be injected to make up for the help. In this case, hyaluronic acid and reducing joint friction lubricant forward to the hot spots.
Dr. Rybaltovszki Henrik
Physiotherapist, rehabilitation doctor Proctologist Vascular surgeon Geneticist Orthopedist Surgeon Heart surgeon
4027 Debrecen, Böszörményi út 6
Dr.Koncz Tibor Manuálterápiás és reumatológiai magánrendelő
4024 Debrecen, Batthyány utca 11/B. fszt.4.